Three Lessons the Dreaded Tango Snob Can Teach Us

No matter where we come within our tango learning, we’re bound to dance with someone who’s more knowledgeable. And regrettably, it will not always be fun.Scuola di Tango Roma

We’re having a nice time in a milonga, when suddenly we find ourselves receiving disdainful looks, rude body gestures, or a snooty remark. They’ll waste no time making you feel weak.

They insist on, or even feel vulnerable to, dance mainly with the very best tangueros/as. Maybe they genuinely believe that doing so automatically qualifies them nearly as good dancers, too. Who knows?

Even though they’re usually capable of the dance floor (but not always), tango snobs always overrate their abilities. Their humblebragging is hilariously transparent to anyone but themselves.

They are also creatures of contradiction. These dancers usually complain of a lack of good leaders or followers, yet sneer upon the sincere efforts that lots of beginners make to change.

Even though I admit a measure of ironic pride by estimating those other judgmental people, I’ll try to steer this article towards something more useful. Let us point out just how tango snobs may unintentionally make matters simpler for ordinary people “common folk.”

It’s scary enough being there even though we’re coping with nice people. At this point, an unfortunate encounter with a tango snob is utterly brutal.

It’s no pleasure to suffer embarrassment and a enormous blow to the ego at the hands with this stranger. At your head of this tango snob, we have been pigeon holed forever. Ouch. Thus, do we cease and go home with your tail between our legs? Or do we forge ahead in our tango travel?

For a beginner, the choice to move forward despite having a tango snob’s cutting opinions will help build mental fortitude. That psychological strength will serve us well. Not only on the dance for floor, but in every aspects of life.

THEY CAN MAKE US BETTER PEOPLE ( maybe not in the manner that they think): When we improve our tango, and when we share a tanda with a less experienced dancer, let us remember how in which the tango snob treated us… and do better.

Where the tango snob is private and arrogant, we are able to be accepting, open, and more humble. Some times, the tango snob’s example of what maybe not todo explains the significance of being supportive and capable of the fellow cyclists.



The message is fine, however the truth is that people do good care.

However, simply how much we attention, and why, are the bigger problems.

So the tango snob offended us and hurt our feelings… but didn’t frighten us off. We will stick to this specific dance. Why? Are we exclusively motivated by our damaged egos? Is it because you want to alter the snob’s opinion of people? To make them admit that they’re wrong about us? (Hint: It probably will not occur, no matter how much we boost)

Are we hoping to get into the perceived “incrowd” ourselves? (Warning: we might become snobs, too)

Or do we just love the dancing for what it is, and continue on while making a mental note in order to avoid the tango snob the next time?

Generally, tango snobs are unpleasant, annoying, as well as toxic. Although I’d love to consider that an ideal dancing environment would be free from them, that is probably unlikely. They exist almost anywhere.

But punching them from your face is out of the inquiry, and enabling them get under the outer skin is just as counter productive. So that the only thing left to accomplish, will be always to help make the best of it.

We do not do this by merely tolerating them, but by visiting every undesirable encounter with them as opportunities for advancement. Improving not just our dance, but our attitudes, too. This will create an even more positive community, and a happier community… most of which eventually disempowers the snob.

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